I am very pleased to announce that we have released a new Rubygem called “patentscope”. A Rubygem, also known as a gem, is a code library written in the Ruby language.

The Patentscope gem allows easy access to data from the WIPO PATENTSCOPE Web Service using Ruby. As provided by WIPO, the PATENTSCOPE Web Service is available through a SOAP interface. The documentation provided by WIPO uses Java.

The Patentscope gem, on the other hand, provides a simple Ruby interface to the PATENTSCOPE Web Service. The gem allows access for each of the functions available from the SOAP interface.

The gem and associated code are Open Source, released under the MIT license.

Full details of the gem, including installation and usage instructions, are available on the Github repo at https://github.com/cantab/patentscope

The gem itself is hosted at the Rubygems server at https://rubygems.org/gems/patentscope

Please try it out and let me know what you think. I welcome comments and suggestions for improvement.

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