Singapore Intellectual Property Blog

Singapore Patents Act Amendments Resources Added

14 February 2014

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added a new page to this site “Resources for the Singapore Patent Law Amendments”.

This page lists a number of useful resources for the “new” (amended) Singapore Patents Act and Rules, effective 14 February 2014.

The resources include links to the legislation, examination guidelines, new Patents forms and a list of relevant blog posts, etc.

We’ll try to keep this list updated as new material comes along. If there’s something you think we should add to this page, please let us know.

IPOS Patent Examination Guidelines

14 February 2014

IPOS published its revised and updated Examination Guidelines today.

The Examination Guidelines have been updated for the latest case law and this version deals with a much larger number of issues than previous set of guidelines, which were admittedly brief.

It’s well worth taking a look at this document if you want to have an idea of how the Examiners at IPOS are likely to deal with patentability issues arising during examination.

A License to Take a Driving Test? Claim Relationships and Supplementary Examination under the Amended Singapore Patents Act

12 February 2014

The Singapore Patents Act has been amended by the Patents (Amendment) Act 2012; the new law comes into force on 14 February 2014.

The new law introduces a supplementary examination process, which is mandatory if the applicant wishes to rely on the grant of a foreign corresponding application for the grant of the Singapore patent.

Recently, as a result of a number of discussions with IPOS officials and IPOS examiners, it has become clear that there are number of potential issues with supplementary examination under the amended act.

These issues potentially affect all patent applications, with particular issues arising in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and life science areas.

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Patents Act Amendments: Implementing Legislation Passed

12 February 2014

Commencement of the Amended Singapore Patents Act


The amendments to the Singapore Patents Act will come into force on 14 February 2014. On the same day, amended Patents Rules operate.

The Minister of Law yesterday made the following Notification to implement the amendments to the Patents Act of Singapore, passed by Parliament in July 2012:

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R.I.P. ePatents...Say Hello to the IP2SG Electronic Patent Filing System

5 February 2014

Updated 19 February 2014 to correct Service Bureau surcharge waiver period.

Updated 12 February 2014 to reflect extension of excluded days originally announced by IPOS and information on waiver of Service Bureau Surcharges

A bunch of us patent professionals (including patent attorneys and patent lawyers) were invited to meet representatives of the Intellectual Property Office (IPOS) today.

In the 2.5 hour long meeting, IPOS gave us a briefing and update on the implementation of the amended Singapore Patents Act and Rules.

This post discusses some highlights of the session relating to commencement and electronic filing (e-filing):

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