Singapore Intellectual Property Blog

Asian Patent Attorneys Association 63rd Council Meeting (APAA 2014 Penang)

16 October 2014

APAA 2014 Penang (more formally known as the “63rd Council Meeting of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association”) will be held in the lovely island of Penang, Malaysia between 8 and 11 November 2014.

Penang Beach

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INTA 2014 Hong Kong – Dinner Anyone?

1 May 2014

Open Invitation to Roast Goose Dinner at Yung Kee (7 pm Friday 9 May 2014)

Note: An earlier version of this blog post gave the day of the dinner incorrectly as Saturday. It’s actually Friday 9th May 2014. Apologies for any confusion.

Psst…roast goose, anyone?

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Joint Ownership of Singapore Patents and Singapore Patent Applications

21 March 2014

Sections 46 and 73 of the Singapore Patents Act as amended sets out the rights of co-owners of patents and patent applications.

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Patents Form 13A: Filing a Response to a Written Opinion without Amendments

27 February 2014

We found out today that there is a bug in the current implementation of Patents Form 13A on IP2SG.

The bug affects responses to Written Opinions that are filed without amendments to the specification of the patent application.

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Plant Varieties Protection (Amendment) Bill

18 February 2014

The Plant Varieties Protection (Amendment) Bill seeks to amend the Plant Varieties Protection Act (Chapter 232A of the 2006 Revised Edition). The most significant change proposed to the Act is the extension of the types of plants to which protection may be afforded under the Act.

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